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Words from Campus Chief

Since its inception in 2011 B.S. Tribhuvan Multiple Campus has successfully been imparting higher education to the students coming from various part of hilly districts and some districts of the Terai regions, too. This campus is located at Tansen, a small hilly town enriched with historic importance and natural beauty. It was founded with the initiation of local education lovers, businessmen, politicians and the community. It was formally incorporated with Tribhuvan University in 1973 B.S. as one of the constituent campuses. This campus has significantly been the center of acquiring quality education in diverse academic programmes in the faculties of Humanities and Social Science, Management, Education and pure Sciences. This campus has gained high status value which is self-evident from the reality that most of its graduates have been able to obtain high positions in national levels keeping up with its historic glory and fame. It has moved ahead collectively facing all the challenges and difficulties in order to satisfy the needs and interest of the students as well as guardians of this area.

This campus is committed to providing quality education and capable human resources to fulfil the need of the nation and make them able to compete with other graduates in the global market. We have strove for launching new programmes as per the demand of students and guardians and strengthening the existing programmes academically so that they will be recognized nationally and internationally  with the aim of attaining a solemn goal of establishing the campus as appropriate place for teaching, learning and research activities. We have decided to participate in the process of QAA collaboration with UGC Nepal.

We give high priority to student centered activities and facilities so that they will be able to expose their inherent potentialities.

We are proud of our well-trained, experienced and devoted faculties and staff and community members who struggled hard to extend its name and fame as good educational institution.

We extend our good wishes to all the students of Bachelor and Master Levels and assure them that our faculty and staff will honestly assist and support them to achieve their goal.
